Thursday, August 27, 2009

11.36am. 27th of August. A boring day.

Heifer, conflagrant, concour, marred, repentance, counterintuitive, resilient.
English words are confusing aren't they? For instance why is "the" said as "de" and not "tee".
I suppose thats why is it porclaimed one of the most difficult language in the world.

In other news, my friend Allisha Azlan , 16, has been accepted to the United World College. Congratulaitions to her. She has been studying ever so hard to get in. Good luck in everything you do Allisha!

It's the hols. It's the month of ramadan. MOVIE TIME! So far I've watched G.I Joe, UP, Land of the lost and Aliens in the attic. Any recommendations from anyone about what I should watch next??

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Modern times and past times.

I won 2 medals(1 Gold, 1 Silver) and thousands of bruises from the Karate Competition. Both of the events I took part in, was sparring.

Okay... So.. I got a gold medal.. that was one of my aim for this year.. yet my mother doesn't care. What does she care about??! For god sake. I have to stop worrying about what my mother thinks right??

Damn my family.

In other cases, I've learned what it's like to hate and be hated. I hate Typical malays. M0st of them are idiots. Just because I'm more open minded than they are. I've started writing again. I'll post a poem up soon. Patience is a virtue.

Thank you for caring Mahirah. Your benevolent thoughts are deeply reliefing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Long time.

It has been a long time since I've posted anything. I believe it is simply because I do not have the time or I don't feel like surfing the net. What with PMR in 63 days I have a lot of studying to do and a lot of stress to confront.

I went to the spa today. =) I skipped school today.=( I coughed a lot today. =( I coughed out blood today. =(

1 pros and 3 cons. Not bad for a day eh?

As for my writing, I've been scribbling a lot of nonsense lately. I know no one reads my blog but I'm embaressed to post them. To let myself read it again is like reading an essay written by an illitrate nut or as the british say,an Anorak.

Last, I have been thinking of how empty my life is. I wonder how it got this way. I wonder how a happy nut turn into a miserable shell . Yes, I've been philosophical too lately. XD It is unfortunately unavoidable. So bear with it.

Right. That's all I'm willing to share.

Your very own miserable nut,